Unlike other warren springs that are made from SS, IOS makes its warren spring from a special grade Elgiloy wire that has a higher spring quality compared to stainless steel. All IOS warren spring are heat treated.
Elgiloy is a superior alloy when compared to stainless steel in terms of versatility and mechanical strength. Also, Elgiloy’s superior physical properties makes the spring more resilient thus functioning longer without distortion or fatigue.
That is why Elgilloy is the preferred material for high end watch manufacturers.
How to use a warren spring ?
The warren spring can deliver either Positive Torque “ Lingual Root Torque” or negative torque “ Buccal Rooth Torque” based on how it is placed.
To deliver positive torque, the spring loop must be placed gingival to the bracket
To deliver Negative torque, the spring loop must be placed occlusal to the bracket “ closer to the incisal edge”
Make sure you have enough torque clearance in the bracket slot, or the spring will not work. We don’t recommend filling the slot while using the warren spring. The recommended wire size is 17x25. Please notice the diagram below and notice how a 19x25 wire has only 7 degrees of potential torque expression.
The warren spring might be used with all orthodontic wires such as Stainless Steel, NiTi, TMA and Elgilloy wires.
Pearl tips:
-Cut the wire in a 45 degree angles to facilitate the spring insertion
-Use a weingart plier "IOS 18-451" to tighten the loop around the wire in its final position
-You can activate the loop more by using a tweed plier "IOS 18-230".

Here is a case with four lower warren spring in action to deliver lingual root torque